Friday, December 29, 2006

Shri Gokulnathji's Hasya Prasangs: Prasang - 31

One Should Keep due Dligence/be clever Even When Giving/Keeping Names (Naam paadvaama pan Chaturai Raakhvi):

When Shreeji announced His own marriage through his Shri-Mukh at Shreeji Dwaar, many vaishnavs were extremely pleased/experienced bliss. Therefore, the vaishnavs offered many gifts of their choice (man-Bhaavti Bheto kari). At this time when Sundardas Gandhi's wife, Naagaa Bhabhi arrived to offer Bhet (gift), Adhikari said... Maharaj, Naagaa Bhabhi is offering Bhet. At that time Shreeji made a taunt/comment, that... Naaga Bhabhi, are you not wearing any clothes? (tame vastra pheraya nathi?), then she said, it is not that Raaj, am wearing clothes, but someone has kept my name like this...

Vivechan - In youth, Shreeji had a very joyous nature (vinodi hataa). Motapan-na haasi prasang to laherni avadhi che, from this it is understood that one should keep such a name that does not get critised/insulted, and one is reminded of Prabhu or things related to Prabhu (Prabhu sambandh yaad aave). Vaishnavs should only give/keep names that are related to Prabhu, as such that when the name is given/called Prabhu is remembered.

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