Saturday, March 28, 2009

Shri Gokulnathji's Hasya Prasangs: Prasang - 37

Types of Love - 'Aarudh' love is the best (Premna Prakaar - Aarudh Prem Shreshtha Che):

Ek divase Kahyu ke Sneh Chaar Prakarno che -
One day (he) said that there are four types of affections -

[1] Vishayi-Sneh
[2] Sahaj-Sneh
[3] Mahatmya-Sneh
[4] Aarudh-Sneh

Shri Thakorjini Seva Bhajan Koi Koi Kare Che Te Mahatmya jaani ne ke mota jani ne kare che. Aaruddh Sneh hoy to tarat angikaar karre. Aarudh Sneh to paraspar vina hoy nahi. Aarudh snehthi to jeev Shri Thakorji saathe rasbas thai jaay. Jyaare Shri Thakorji Krupa kare, Tyaare Aarudh Snehni Prapti thaay.

Those who worship Shri Thakorji, do it with the greater knowledge, knowing that He is great. If there is Aaruddh Sneh (absolute love and affection) then the jeev is accepted immediately. Aarudh Sneh is not present if the "feeling" is not mutual (between Thakorji and the jeev). When Shri Thakorji bestows his grace, then one gets Aarudh Sneh.


Upar Snehna chaar prakaar janavyaa che. Alaukik sneh pan chaar prakarna che. Tema sau karta uttam sneh aarudh sneh kahyo che.

Four types of (general) love are mentioned above. There are four types of Transcendetal love also. Amongst these the most supreme is called Aarudh Sneh.

Aarudh sneh etle jem nisso/nasho chadyo te utre nahi, tem snehnu ghen utrej nahi. Sada banyo banaayo rahe, te aarudh sneh kahevaay. Jene ketlaak Prabhu sambandhi vishayi sneh-ne uttam sneh kahe che; tene to sauthi utarto ganyo che.

Aarudh Sneh is like when one is "drunk/high", and just as one never comes out of that state of being "drunk/high" , one does not come out of the "deep-sleep" mode of love and it never fades, it remains in that state forever, that is called Aarudh Sneh. There are some who say that worldly affection towards the Lord is best; however that is considered as the most fallen type.

Prabhu pratyeno vishayi sneh pan utarto che. to manushya pratyeno tevo sneh adham hoy tema navai nathi. Aarudh sneh Bhagvat krupa hoy toj mali shake, Mahatmya sneh Mahatmya jaanvaathi thai shake. Sahej sneh to navraash male to prabhuna darshan ke bhajan kariye nahi to kai nahi. Aa sneh Sahej kahevay, sahejno arth Thik-thik che. Taadrashi Bhagvadiyono sneh aarudh sneh che.

Worldly affection towards the Lord also goes down, then what to speak of the affection towards humans, it is of such poor quality, that there is nothing new about it. Aarudh Sneh is only achieved with Bhagvat Krupa (Divine Grace). Mahatmya Sneh can be cultivated/obtained by knowing the Mahatmya (Greatness), whilst "Sahej" means "workable/doable (it is ok)". The love and affection that "Taadrashi/Tadrushi" devotees have for the Lord is Aarudh Sneh.

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