Monday, May 01, 2006

Shri Gokulnathji's Hasya Prasangs: Prasang - 26

One should not stay in a place where saamagri is being prepared without actually having the need to stay there (Kaam-vagar Saamagri Thay Tya Ubha Rahevu Nahi):

One day He said that.. Shri Bal Krushnaji’s Svabhaav is extremely delicate (taddan Su-kumar (Sukomal)), hence in the morning He becomes hungry; therefore Bhog is offered during the GopiVallabha time. Shri Bal Krushnaji accepts that prasad. Once, after achvan, Raj-Bhog arrived, at that time Maahe came inside. At that time Shri Gusainji said… why are you standing here unnecessarily…? What is the reason for standing here without anything to do? Your vision would fall on Shri Thakorji’s things, so (please) go outside…. This is how the maryada is, therefore without any reason why stand here? The dhristi (eyes/vision) would fall on Shri Thakorji’s saamagri (in this case maryada is law/discipline).

Vivechan – This prasang is worth thinking about/contemplating in depth. Shri Gusaiji gave the agya for people to go out because they would see and their eyes/vision would fall on Shri Thakorji’s saamagri. Therefore, vaishnavs should prepare the saamagri for Shri Thakorji in a secluded/quiet way/place, so that anyone would not ‘see’ and their dhristi would not fall on this preparation. If such jeev’s dhristi falls on the preparation then Shri Thakorji would not accept it (Shri Thakorji na aaroge). This prasang must have been said by Shri Gusaiji to give very special advice to jeevs. Dirty/polluted dhristi would give rise to pollution in the saamagri; this is itself called ‘having given the evil eye’ (Aanej najar laagi kahe che). This talk may seem to someone as a joke; but the effect of dhristi (vision) carries heavy weight (dhristi-ni asar bhaari che).

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