Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Shri Gokulnathji's Hasya Prasangs: Prasang - 18

One who has died with affection can come back to life (Sneh thi Marelu E Jeevit Thay):
Once Veersinghdev went to hunt deer; a king called Ramchandra who was his friend and of his own gnyati, also went with him. Ramchandra wore the deerskin and sat hidden. Veersingh gathered the deers and routed them all in a spot. This Ramchandra is also in this group of deers. At this time Veerbhan king shot the arrow at this group of deers, but he missed and instead Ramchandra who was disguised in deer skin got hit. Having been hit in this way, the life force (praan) immediately left the kings body. This arrow was laced with deadly poison. When the king came to know this condition he instantly went over to his friend. Upon checking the king discovered that his friend had no life air left (for breathing – hence he was not breathing). Seeing this, streams of uncontrolled tears started flowing from the eyes of the king. This type of crying made the life force to grow strong and return back into the friend. Hearing this, all the Vaishnavs were surprised; and Pancholi asked (Shreeji) as follows… .. Maharaj, we have heard that life has left someone with affection (someone has died with affection) but we have never heard that life returns with affection. Therefore Shreeji replied that in this there are many such things that, the cause of death also becomes the cause of living, one needs true affection (Sneh).

Vivechan – From this one comes to know that when kindness arises in a Bhagvadi then a dead can also return to life. This thing is absolutely true. Prabhu cannot see the tears of a Bhagvadi. Therefore, the reason with which a devotee has to shed tears, that cause of tears is immediately removed by Prabhu himself. This thing is of a very subtle (sukshm) type of thinking. Without experience it cannot be understood. However, it is possible to understand with faith. A jeev dies in affection and lives with (from) affection. In this case the jeeve is living because of (with) affection. The kindness of a Bhagvadi is the swaroop of sneh (affection/love), only that is why is living out of daya (kindness).

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Shri Gokulnathji's Hasya Prasangs: Prasang - 17

Saffron/religious robes/uniform is a Bhakt’s socializing/living (Bhagva-Vesh Ai Bhakt-no Nirvah Che):
One king of Madhavghad, king Vanghelo Ramchandra was such involved in Dharma (Religious practices), that he would bathe everytime he debated/taked with a foreigner (mlechha). His father’s name was Veerbhan. This Veerbhan always had great desire (was always looking forward to), to meet Shri Mahaprabhuji. Once upon a time Shri Mahaprabhuji arrived at the Purushottam Kshetra (an area of land called Purushottam) for the second time. At that time the king came in the path and made a lot of request.
Shri Acharyaji was sitting as always wearing his dhoti and uprana. This king was always accompanied with pandits, he had come with all of them. These pandits asked a cleverly crafted question (with slyness). Because Mahaprabhuji had on himself, Mala, Uprana and Upvit, the asked what is all this ? Therefore, at this time, Shri Mahaprabhuji replied, that all this is Nirvah Shruti, Smruti and ShriBhagvat.

“Upavit Ved Uparna Puran, Mala Bhagvat, E Tran Dekhay Khayu Muskit Vachan”

After this they again asked Shri Mahaprabhuji that (in the middle of the whole sabha) we have heard that you have done a discourse/elaborate explanation (tika) on Shri Bhagvatji. This is true(was the response). To this the pandits said, what is so difficult about doing a tika/discourse on Shri Bhagvatji ? To this Shri Mahaprabhuji replied; I have seen Vedas/Vedants , Shastras and Puranas, so none of them are as difficult (to digest/understand/learn) as Shri Bhagvatji. To this the pandits said; What is so difficult about Shri Bhagvatji ? to this Aap said that you (plural) are having a play at talking like this. Now Shri Mahaprabhuji said, please explain the meaning of one shloka to us. (When Shri Thakorji appeared). Atha Sava Gunopetakaalah Paramashobhane Saying this he said that why did Kaal become param shobhit ? Maha Kanishtha Bhadarvo Maas (the month of Bhadarvo), on top of that it was the time of chaturmaas, Krushna Paksh (dark days of the month) Dakshanaayanan-na surya, Aatham (the eighth day), Ardhi raat ane Budhvaar (middle of the night and a Wednesday).

When Shri Raghunathji appeared, at that time every moment was a Rajyog (the most signs were seen and auspicious time according to all the astrological calculations), these kind of auspicious signs, etc were not seen during the appearance of Shri Krishna. So what is the use of such a time (aava Kaal-no Shu Upyog?) Shri Shukdevji to Shobhan (Alaukik Rupalo) Kaal Kahe che, hearing this there was an atmosphere of surprise (everyone was surprised). The pandits looked down out of shame, that they were not able to provide any answer to this.

Seeing this the king said, what will they know? They are great fools. Shri Mahaprabhuji, you please say/clarify. Then Shri Mahaprabhuji did some vivechan on this.

Hearing this (the vivechan), the king was most pleased; bowing down, he did a lot of stuti (sang glories), spoke with humbleness and intellect. At this Shri Mahaprabhuji was very pleased. With a lot of affection, He explained the meaning of one shloka of Shri Bhagvatji ; the explanation of the meaning of this shloka continued for six months and yet the explanation did not come to an end. The name of this king’s father was Veersingh dev. He was a great bhakti maargi and a lovable vaishnav. He did not have any arrogance (kai pan abhiman hatu nahi). This king’s story was told many times by Shri Mukh (Ghani Vaar Shri Mukhe kahi).

Vivechan - One does not understand Bhagvat-swaroop by panditai (empty knowledge), one understands this from this prasang. What appears simple on the surface is not simple from deep inside. Therefore, where possible one should always keep curiousness/inquisitiveness. Shri Mahaprabhuji is Saraswati’s husband, therefore He knows everything in every way. He is Nikunj Nayak and therefore is also Rasik. Therefore only with Aapshri’s Grace (Krupa) one is able to understand, somewhat, the deep meanings of Shri Bhagvat.

Shri Gokulnathji's Hasya Prasangs: Prasang - 16

The Relationship of the Soul is the Only True One, As Opposed to that of the Body (Sharir-na Sambandh Karta Aatmano Sambandhaj Kharo Che):

One day (He) said that Chaturbhuj Shekhar, a Saraswat Brahman was Shri Gusaiji’s sevak. One day Akbar praised him. At that time Birbal said that he is actually my servant, why are you praising him ? Akbar asked Chaturbhuj Shekhar.. “have you served birbal?” and to this he replied that he has never served anyone except Prabhu.

Vivechan – A bhakt may do the service in order to maintain his body or living/livelyhood (Urad poshan ke nirvah maate), but his soul only serves and is the servant of Prabhu. For the sake of social pleasantries a bhakt may have relationships in many places, but the relationship of the soul is only with Ishwar. His speech sings glories of Prabhu. Dayaram bhai also had the same discipline (pratigya) , only to sing glories of Prabhu and of no one else.

Ten Keys

Here is a rough translation of ten key points. These are printed on the back of a small booklet "Vaishnav Chinah Nirupan". Kindly excuse any mistakes or lack of details introduced in the translation process and please feel free to highlight and help to correct the same.

Shri Hari:

The following disciplines (Niyams) laid down below increase devotion (love) in Bhagvan Shri Krishna and the devotee finds help when following the path of Bhagvad Bhakti. After taking Brahmsambandh, it is necessary for all Vaishnavs to follow these disciplines (Niyams)

1. Always wear Kanthi and Tilak and to stop making use of Asamarpit things.

2. Keep one's thoughts and actions pure

3. Keep total faith in ParBrahm Bhagvan Shri Krishna and be without (live without) worries having faith in Thakorji

4. Keep utmost, highest level of belief in our Sampraday

5. Be aware of Bramsambandh (of having taken it and its requirements,etc)

6. To consider the seva/worship of Shri Krishna as the prime duty

7. Throughout life follow /implement Vivek, Dhairya, Bhakti and Krisha-Ashray

8. To be helpful according to one's capacity, to Go (Cows/cattle), Brahmans and Vaishnavs

9. To try and do the Shravan, Manan and implement where required the Bhagvad Shastras.

10. To keep Deen Bhaav, considering oneself as Prabhu's Daas and to discard Abhiman (arrogance/false pride)

Related Link - Shri Hariraiji's 84 Vachnamrut